School anxiety in children: tips to help them cope

Published Feb 6, 2023


Johannesburg – School anxiety is a common concern among children and their parents, said Affinity Health.

The healthcare service provider said school anxiety can manifest in various ways, such as difficulty sleeping, stomach ache, and avoidance of school.

“Left unchecked, school anxiety can lead to poor academic performance, social isolation, and even physical illness,” Affinity Health said.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, school anxiety is caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors. Children with a family history of anxiety or who have experienced trauma may be more prone to developing school anxiety.

Here are 10 tips to help children cope with school anxiety:

1. Talk to your child about their concerns and validate their feelings

It’s crucial to establish a welcoming and accepting environment where your child can express their anxieties and fears. Actively listen and make an effort to comprehend their viewpoint. By expressing that you understand and respect their emotions, you can validate their sentiments.

2. Create a consistent and predictable daily routine

Regular schedules offer a sense of order and consistency, which can help to lessen uncertainty. Have a regular bedtime, a morning routine, and a period set out for school work and other after-school activities.

3. Encourage physical activity and a healthy diet

Exercise and a healthy diet can improve mental health and help people feel less stressed and anxious. Encourage your child to engage in physical activities that they find enjoyable, and make sure they consume a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, and other nourishing foods.

4. Establish a calm and organised environment at home

Stress and anxiety levels can be increased by a busy and chaotic atmosphere. Reduce distractions in the home and assist your child in setting up a peaceful, orderly workspace for work and study.

5. Encourage your child to express their feelings through art or writing

Children can process their feelings and express themselves through artistic expressions like writing, painting or drawing. Allow your child to share their feelings and ideas about school using these creative channels.

6. Set small and achievable goals for your child

Breaking down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks can help your child feel a sense of accomplishment and progress. Encourage your child to set small, achievable goals and celebrate their successes along the way.

7. Help your child develop relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation

Teaching your child relaxation techniques can help them manage stress and anxiety in a healthy way. Some techniques include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualisation.

8. Motivate your child to participate in enjoyable activities outside of school

It's important for children to have a well-rounded and fulfilling life outside of school. Motivate your child to participate in extracurricular activities that they enjoy, such as sport, music or clubs.

9. Consider seeking support from a mental health professional, such as a therapist or counsellor

If your child’s anxiety persists or significantly impacts their daily life, it may be helpful to seek the support of a mental health professional. A therapist or counsellor can work with your child to identify the root causes of their anxiety and develop coping strategies.

10. Work with your child’s school to create a supportive and understanding learning environment

Communicate with your child’s teacher and school administration to ensure they know your child’s anxiety and can provide appropriate support. Together, you can create a positive and understanding learning environment that helps your child feel safe and supported.

“It’s important to address school anxiety as soon as possible to prevent it escalating and harming your child’s overall well-being,” said Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health.

“The good news is that with the right support and the implementation of coping strategies, children can learn to manage their anxiety and succeed in school,” Hewlett said.

The Star