The Climate Change Act – the beginning of the End Times?

Published Jul 26, 2024


Ricardo Maarman

‘Tikkun Olam’ is a Jewish religious concept, meaning to heal the world. In all probability, Jewish music moguls influenced Michael Jackson to write the famous song, ‘Heal the world”. Those behind the current so-called Global Warming or Climate Change, are influencing politicians, scientists, NGOs etc., to get all of humanity to do as they say, in order to, supposedly, “Heal the World”.

Global-Warming or Climate Change is predicated on the idea that Carbon Dioxide or CO2, a basic building block of all biological life, needs to be drastically reduced to save the planet. Humans and animals exhale CO2 while plants inhale CO2. All human and animal activity on Earth is predicated on the emission and absorption of CO2.

On July 23, 2024, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the Climate Change Bill into law. The Act seeks to “enable the development of an effective climate change response and a long-term, just transition to a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy and society”. A low-carbon economy and society, means an economy and society with low levels of activity. This contradicts Ramaphosa’s claims that the GNU will increase economic activity and create jobs.

The crux of the Climate Change Act is for the minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, to establish and manage a well-coordinated so-called national carbon budget of allowed CO2 emissions, for the economy and society.

All other ministries according to the Act, will have to report to this ministry, including provincial and municipal governments, regarding the control of CO2 emissions under their respective jurisdictions.

This ministry is arguably one of the most powerful ministries in the GNU. Ramaphosa appointed the DA’s Dr Dion George to head this critical and powerful ministry.

The said minister according to the Act, will determine how our economy and society should adapt to the low-carbon objectives as per the Climate Change agenda and set the necessary measures to achieve the nation’s CO2 emission targets.

The most drastic measure conceivable will be to declare a Climate Change Emergency akin to a National State of Disaster declared during Covid-19. Essentially, a Climate Change Lockdown! The Covid-19 Lockdown drastically reduced economic and societal activity; many commented on how clean the environment was during the Lockdown.

In the event that a National State of Disaster is declared due to a so-called Climate Change emergency, the minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs would become the de facto ruler of South Africa, as was the case during the Covid-19 Lockdown.

Ramaphosa appointed the IFP leader Velenkosini Hlabisa to head this critical and powerful ministry. Democracy, as was the case during the Covid-19 Lockdown, would be suspended. It would just be a transition into a totalitarian and authoritarian regime!

According to mainstream science, humanity is currently facing global warming. Did you know that in the 1970’s, the same scientific community warned of global cooling? In my book, ‘The Subversion of South Africa’, I refer to a book called ‘The Perestroika Deception’ written by a Soviet defector, Anatoliy Golitsyn.

Golitsyn warned of a worldwide deception to advance worldwide communism, totalitarianism, and authoritarianism, using Climate Change as bait to lure humanity into this nightmarish self-destructive trap!

The Moonshot Pact Allies are well placed for a total takeover disguised as a Climate Change emergency. The DA, IFP and FF Plus formed part of the so-called Moonshot Pact and are all Pro-Zionist political parties.

These Pro-Zionist parties are strong advocates for Israel; hence it is fitting that they lead the efforts to save the planet or heal the world, in South Africa, the Tikkun Olam. Heading up the Agriculture Department is the DA’s leader, Minister John Henry Steenhuisen, well placed to implement carbon taxes on livestock and to cull animals in the guise of viral outbreaks.

Denmark has already instituted a tax on cow flatulence, which will drive up meat prices and force people to meat alternatives. Steenhuisen will use similar measures to make adaptations to our food supply, in line with the Climate Change agenda, encouraging veganism and even the consumption of insects, to “save the planet”.

The minister of Basic Education is the DA’s Siviwe Gwarube, well placed to ensure acceleration of child-sex education, gender neutral toilets and of course ensuring that all the children are thoroughly indoctrinated into gender confusion and the Climate Change delirium.

The Department of Communications and Digital Technologies is headed up by the DA’s Minister Mmoba Solomon “Solly” Malatsi, well placed to ensure censorship on social media, the draconian control of cyberspace and the roll out of technology to measure and control the economy and society in meeting our Climate Change “obligations”.

The Minister of Correctional Services is the leader of the Freedom Front Plus Petrus Johannes “Pieter” Groenewald, well placed to ensure that anyone sentenced to jail for breaking any of the Climate Change laws, finds no way of escape. The list goes on.

Science will play the dominant role in the Climate Change agenda. Contrary to popular belief, science refers only to those academics funded by the likes of Gates and Soros. Science will play the role of the holy cow; no one will dare to question the science, we must all just blindly follow the “experts”!

Nothing new, we all experienced this dictatorship by “experts” during Covid-19 Lockdown. The Climate Change Agenda is just a transition to a despotic technocracy. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. What better intention can there be, than to save the planet, Tikkun Olam!

* Ricardo Maarman is the leader of Azania Peaceful Revolution and author of the book: ‘The Subversion of South Africa’

** The views in this article are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of IOL or Independent Media