The book takes people on a journey through eternity, from the beginning to the middle to the end of the world Kirbbs Naidu
Kribbs Naidu, a retired academic, has written his first book, New Knowledge for the New World.
"The book is about the Creator and His Creation. It takes people on a journey through eternity, from the beginning to the middle to the end of the world," said Naidu, a political science major from the University of South Africa and a post-graduate of the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
"In addition, the book gives a comprehensive and accurate introduction of who we are and who God is. It discusses the world time cycle and our role in it. It also proves that a few theories like the Big Bang Theory, Darwin's Evolution Theory, the Aryan Invasion Theory and the Lemuria Theory are false theories."
He said he accumulated material for the book, published by BK Publications, London, for more than 10 years.
"But it was only during the Covid-19 lockdown that I really started writing with urgency. My research entailed reading many books, which are mentioned in the bibliography and also my spiritual studies for over 30 years."
Naidu has been a student of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University since 1994.
His career has spanned the corporate world and he has also been involved in a trade union and political and civic organisational activities. Between 2012 and 2016, Naidu served as the chief operations officer of the South African Hindu Maha Sabha.
He attributes his true education to the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
When asked what prompted him to write on the topics, he said: "I found this knowledge so new, self-fulfilling and uplifting that I wanted to bring it to the attention of as many people as possible. This book covers a vast area and is like a reference book, which the reader can consult whenever he or she likes to.
"For example, if one wants information on karma philosophy, one can look it up. If one desires to know the duration of the Cycle of Time, it is all there. Religion, especially the Hindu religion, is covered - when did religion start and who was its founder. The target market is everyone, people of all religions, race, colour, nationality, etc."
Naidu said he was working on articles on the various subjects covered in the book, including the cycle of time.
The book is available on Amazon in print and eBook version. It is also available from the Brahma Kumaris Centre (Global Peace House) in Effingham Heights.
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