ActionSA has vowed to see to it that individuals implicated in wrongdoing will face prosecution after the party assumes the office of the president following the May 29 elections. Picture: File
ActionSA has vowed to see to it that individuals implicated in wrongdoing will face prosecution after the party assumes the office of the president following the May 29 elections.
This assertion was made by party president Herman Mashaba at the Gupta family’s former office in Saxonwold, Johannesburg, where his party also came up with a list of 10 politicians the party would be targeting if the party were to make it into Parliament.
The individuals named include those who were implicated in the state capture report that was presented to President Cyril Ramaphosa two years ago.
Although Ramaphosa was not on the list, ActionSA also raised the Phala Phala scandal where millions in foreign currency was stolen at the president's farm in Limpopo.
This lifted the lid on crimes that followed thereafter, including an alleged cover-up by Ramaphosa.
Another matter that was raised was the VBS bank scandal that saw the collapse of the bank after about R2 billion was stolen, defrauding mostly the elderly in Venda, Limpopo.
Deputy President Paul Mashatile was also not on the list but the party mentioned his “extensive network of benefactors who sponsor his luxurious lifestyle”.
Also under scrutiny would be the corrupt relationship between the state and consulting firms that have seen billions being syphoned off from state projects, like Kusile and Medupi.
Some who were named and were to be prosecuted were Minerals and Energy minister Gwede Mantashe, who was named in the state capture report.
Mantashe, the ANC’s national chairperson and on the party’s list for Parliament, was found by the report to have unduly benefited from the Bosasa scandal by accepting home renovations and security upgrades from Bosasa, in contravention of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, bribery and corruption.
The ANC’s first deputy secretary, Nomvula Mokonyane, has also been accused of having accepted bribes from Bosasa, seeking to influence the contracting of suppliers for the Lesotho Highlands Water Project, the violation of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act and the breach of constitutional and ethical responsibilities.
Former finance minister, Malusi Gigaba, who is also on the ANC candidate list was targeted by ActionSA, saying that he accepted cash payments from the Guptas, appointed the Gupta family to strategic positions at state-owned companies, conspired to capture, and his alleged involvement in money laundering and racketeering.
Next on the list was businessman, Edwin Sodi, who ActionSA says “he has become synonymous with a new capital elite that is syphoning money from government contracts and channels it through to the governing ANC in the form of donations”, all the while delivering sub-par work which has contributed to incompleted crucial maintenance of critical waste water infrastructure such as the Rooiwal WasteWater Treatment Plant.”
Some of the allegations against Sodi include corruption in the R255 million asbestos tender and the R290 million Rooiwal wastewater treatment plant tender, including contravention of the occupational health and safety act, fraud, corruption, and money-laundering.
Individuals from other parties are EFF president Julius Malema and his deputy Floyd Shivambu.
The two are accused of looting the VBS bank after a report dubbed, The Great Bank Heist, commissioned by advocate Terry Motau was released.
Some R3.6 million in VBS money was traced to Shivambu’s bank account.
Others on the list include former ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule, suspected of corruption in the R255 million asbestos tender when he was still premier in the Free State, and former president Jacob Zuma.
Former eThekwini mayor Zandile Gumede, is also on ActionSA’s list. Gumede has been formally charged for among others corruption, fraud, money laundering, and racketeering. Another target is former health minister Zweli Mkhize who was implicated in corruption in the Digital Vibes tender scandal.
Making the announcement, Mashaba said within 100 days after taking office following the elections, the ActionSA-led government would introduce a process in Parliament to ensure the quick and successful investigation and prosecution of implicated individuals.
“Today, I am committing to you that an ActionSA government will act decisively to expedite investigations and give the National Prosecuting Authority the teeth it needs to put criminals behind bars.”
The Star