The chairperson of Scopa, Songezo Zibi, has requested to intervene and help the whistleblower who reported allegations of corruption at NSFAS. Picture: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency (ANA)
A FORMER employee who reported allegations of corruption against the bigwigs at the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has detailed how she was dismissed and requested intervention from Songezo Zibi, the chairperson of Parliament Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa).
The whistleblower, Bibi Madiba, was fired for reporting administrator Dr Randall Carollisen to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) in 2019.
However, she was accused of disclosing sensitive recordings to a third party.
Madiba previously asked for the intervention of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training (PCHET), the Public Protector, and Human Rights without any luck.
Madiba recently lost a fight for her reinstatement at the Labour Court, where she claimed that she was unfairly dismissed.
However, the parliament communication team did not confirm receipt of the letter.
In the letter to Zibi, she asked that he assist her in being reinstated and compensated.
This, according to Madiba, started in April 2019 when senior manager Adam Williams approached her in an aggressive manner following the executive committee meeting (exco meeting).
Williams allegedly provided her with a recorder and told her to listen.
Madiba said Williams was given two days to transcribe and circulate the minutes, and he asked her to assist in downloading the recording and sent it to him electronically.
She said Williams insisted that she listen to the recording and hear how disrespectful the administrator was towards the DHET staff members.
Madiba said she decided to listen to the recording the following day in the evening and heard disturbing feedback from Carollisen.
Madiba said Carollisen planned to sabotage the DHET and gain support from his exco.
She said she had a meeting with Williams and the other colleague the following day, and that was when she had to do something about the recording.
“I took time trying to strategise the best way how I was going to send the recording to DHET as NSFAS reports to the department, to alert them of what was being said by the administrator and advisor, Professor Neil Garrod, at the exco meeting,” she said.
Madiba said she informed Williams about her thoughts, and he also advised that there was someone she could meet for more information at Booysens Police Station.
Madiba said the reason she did not inform anyone, including human resources (HR) was that she trusted no one.
She said NSFAS did not have an internal hotline and fraud department to inform management.
“I am certain about that because NSFAS didn't have tip-off hotlines or any forum or platform to report internal fraud.
“What was disheartening was that I trusted no one in the HR department, not even our own employee relations senior manager, Lungisa Mtumtum, as he was no longer dealing with employee wellness within the organisation.
“I also looked at my employment contract and letter, and they both do not reflect anything about the sharing of information. However, my role as fraud officer, I was mandated to report such,” she said.
Madiba said she did not steal the recording and that the DHET was not a third party.
She said she was then informed to write a letter to Carollisen and provide reasons why she was not supposed to be suspended. However, Carollisen rejected the explanations.
She was subsequently dismissed in October 2019.
“They continued to conduct these ruthless hearings with policies that did not exist. Even my appeal was not actioned by NSFAS and therefore my rights were violated further.
My suspension and hearing that led to my dismissal took place for almost 4 months. As a responsible citizen of SA, I find myself silenced by the dismissal, for only one reason, speaking out.
I have reported my case to the Public Protector, SIU, and the Zondo Commission because this is taxpayer's money that is meant to pay for poor students. Not forgetting my colleagues who are constantly in fear of the administrator's unethical behaviour,” Madiba said.
Madiba, who said she doesn’t know why officials failed her as a whistleblower, said she suffered severe depression and had to negotiate with the banks for her vehicle and house not to be repossessed.
Carollisen was previously accused of launching a reign of terror against employees who refused to implement questionable instructions, including hiring his associates without following due process. This was after he allegedly suspended, warned and fired 39 employees on trump-up charges.