
Valentine’s Day vibes

Staff Reporter|Published

Mitchell’s Plain seniors painted community halls red for Valentine’s Day on Friday February 14. About 100 pensioners attended a seniors’ brunch hosted by Sub-council 17 proportional representative councillor George Paige in the Eastridge Community Centre.

Sub-council 17 PR councillor George Paige, Mitchell’s Plain police chief Brigadier Brian Muller, member of the provincial legislature Ferlon Christians, and representatives from the South African Social Security Agency and a law firm spoke to the seniors, during a brunch at the Eastridge Community Centre, about their rights and safety, how to access social grant services and the importance of having a will.
The Western Cape Wheelchair and Disabled Support Group held its first Valentine’s Day event, on Saturday February 15 at the Wynberg Sports Hall. Seen here with the host Eddie Daniels (front centre) are some of the group’s members, a few residents of Turfhall Cheshire Home in Hanover Park and Ward 63 councillor Carmen Siebritz (standing far right). Members of the Cape Town Amputee Support Group also attended the event.
Members of the Lobelia Seniors Community Club wore red and white at their club’s 13th annual Valentine’s Day event on Wednesday February 12.