Lorinda Voges with beauty and lifestyle blogger Kefi Mabote on Reunion Island. Lorinda Voges with beauty and lifestyle blogger Kefi Mabote on Reunion Island.
Sophia Christina Amoruso once said: “Unless you’re a YouTube star, life-changing things don’t happen to you inside your house.”
That is true. Some of the greatest life-changing events occurred to me while travelling.
When you travel, there is this incredible sensory overload, where everything looks, smells, feels and sounds brand new. With this comes new experience and a million opportunities to learn, connect, grow and share.
Travelling has taught me how to be alone and, honestly, it’s a beautiful thing. It allowed me to tune into what it is I want from life.
Travelling with someone else, on the other hand, can be challenging. However, when you find a great travel companion, you also see the world through their perspective.
You are engaging in a holiday relationship and like all relationships, communication, consideration and compromise are essential.
I was fortunate this year to embark on a few travel journeys with special friends. What made the trips memorable was that we aligned on the important stuff: Our like-minded curiosity, our taste and love for great food and wine, our criteria for a good place to sleep and our ability to marvel at - and learn about - the culture and ecology of places.
Spending 24 hours a day with someone isn’t easy. It is important to ensure you have time to yourself. Having time alone will keep you sane and make you appreciate your travel companion all the more.
Ever travelled with someone who cannot stop complaining about everything? Try to remember that you’re on holiday. Be present.
Learn how to be quiet around each other
It can be tough to travel with a Chatty Cathy and if you don’t know your travel partner well, extended silences can be awkward. Learn to cultivate a comfortable silence.
It is important to have a good idea of your partner’s travel strengths. Maybe they’re great at asking questions, taking charge or they can read maps. You should both have a good idea of where you excel and use your powers for good.
Travelling with someone gives you an opportunity to create memories that will last a lifetime. Because you’re with someone 24/7, there’s always the chance to laugh, chat and play together. You’re able to appreciate the small moments together.
* Follow Lorinda Voges travel diary on Instagram @lorindasworld_