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One day your home is sparkling clean; the next, it's covered in a layer of dust. There might be no more frustrating housekeeping conundrum, and we've all been there. Perhaps endless dust is just one of those things we have to learn to deal with, but Kadi Dulude, owner of New York City cleaning service Wizard of Homes, names a handful of reasons your home could be particularly dirt-prone—plus the best ways to tackle the grime. Get ready for a few aha! moments . . .
You keep the windows open
Fresh air isn't the only thing streaming into your home, especially if you live in a busy city or are near roadwork.
You have a lot of synthetic upholstery
"I notice that synthetic materials attract more dust than natural surfaces like wood and stone," says Dulude. Grab your vacuum to suck up any dust that's settled on your sofa or armchairs. "Every once in a while, I would also recommend steam cleaning," she adds.
You recently renovated (or your neighbor did)
"Construction dust is difficult to get out as it keeps floating in the air and slowly settles over a long period of time," explains Dulude.
You have wall-to-wall carpeting
Rugs and carpets trap dust so well that it seems like it's not there. "You need a very good vacuum cleaner that gets it out; vacuum at least once a week," Dulude says. "Also, use a steam cleaner twice a year to kill dust mites and allergens." In fact, when it comes to those with allergies, Dulude recommends forgoing wall-to-wall carpeting altogether.
Your AC unit's filter is dirty
When it's working properly, your window air-conditioning unit will trap any particles in the air from coming inside. This is not the case when the filter is full; while you may be basking in a cool living room, your air quality won't be the best. Dulude recommends checking filters frequently and cleaning them according to the company's instructions as soon as you notice any dust buildup. (If that seems like a giant commitment, at least wash them once before summer begins and once at the end of the season.)
You only dry-dust
Whipping out your feather duster might seem productive, but all you're actually doing is moving the particles around. "Dry dusting is effective for daily upkeep, but to really get the dust out, you need to trap it and get it off with a wet cloth," explains Dulude. Afterward, she recommends polishing the surface with a dry microfiber cloth.
Written by Lindsey Mather.
This article originally appeared on AD Clever.
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