Students wait to be accommodated at university in a previous academic year. Picture: Leon Lestrade/Independent Newspapers
Cape Town - The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has called on the Private Student Housing Association (PSHA) to provide a list of affected accommodation providers, to resolve its R44 million payment shortfall for student living.
The financial aid provider said they would only release payment to students once their accommodation was proven and verified.
“The NSFAS administrator calls upon the PSHA to furnish NSFAS with the list of affected accommodation providers and students so that the situation can be immediately resolved.
“The call also goes to all accommodation providers who have outstanding legitimate claims to also submit their lists to NSFAS for further processing and verification.
“NSFAS would like to remind all accommodation providers that payments of student accommodation will only be finalised on receipt of legitimate accommodation claims.
“In the current academic year, NSFAS is implementing measures to ensure certainty and clarity about claims and disbursements.
“As a result, the NSFAS administrator urges all accommodation providers with 2024 outstanding claims, to send their claims to the following dedicated email address NSFASAccomProv@ for further engagement with NSFAS.”
Earlier, the PSHA warned that students may not be able to return to their rooms if the financial scheme fails to pay the outstanding debt as it provided accommodation for more than 80 000 students.
Meanwhile, Lauren Kansley, Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) spokesperson, said it was all systems go this week as they crossed the halfway mark for student registrations.
“Over 80% of students have accepted their place for study with the allocation period for residences also progressing well.
“All 16 200 residence housing spots have been allocated.
“This was a process which started last year and we prioritise female first-years, those who are eligible, apply on time or who are on our official wait list. We are not assisting walk-ins who arrive with no application for study or residence.”
Stellenbosch University spokesperson, Martin Viljoen, said their classes would resume in the new month with registrations under way and running smoothly, with residency students being welcomed this week.
“First-year students who were placed in university accommodation can move into their accommodation on Wednesday and Thursday with the Official Welcoming Ceremony to be held on Thursday.
“Classes for undergraduate students start on February 10. “
Gasant Abarder, University of the Western Cape spokesperson, said their registration process was under way and they had a calm start to the academic year.
“We’re unable to provide exact data as it is a process of offers being made and candidates accepting or declining. There have not been any issues and we are on track for the academic year to commence on February 10,” he said.
Elijah Moholola, spokesperson for the University of Cape Town said the combined total applications received (first-year and returning students) was 11 500, which included 7 000 returning students and 4 500 eligible first-year students with academic offers.
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