Michelle Gildenhuys Adams shares her recent solo travelling trip

The Adams Family. Picture: Supplied

The Adams Family. Picture: Supplied

Published Jul 20, 2022


Michelle Gildenhuys, an entrepreneur, model, content creator, wife and mom to four boys, shared her recent “solo travelling with four boys” trip on social media.

Gildenhuys Adams, who is married to “Noot vir Noot” presenter Emo Adams, gave advice to other moms to use when out on an outdoor adventure alone with kids.

As a mom of two minors, I appreciated her honesty and and those tips.

She said: “I took a solo trip with the boys (and by solo I mean with no hubby) this weekend. Yes my mom and sister were with me but I’m a firm believer that they are my kids and my responsibility and I don’t easily ask for help.”

Gildenhuys told IOL Travel: “I’d have liked to share far more tips but Instagram really limits you. I really enjoyed this trip with my sons James, 11, Kader, 7, Ziah, 5 and Khai, 3.”

Gildenhuys took her boys for “one last adventure” before school started this week.

Michelle and her boys on vacation.

She captioned a picture of the kids buckled up and ready to take off: “One last little adventure before school starts led us to the boys favourite place @old_mac_daddy. We were blessed with perfect weather and we did so much that very few photos were taken.”

“Hope this helps another mama planning on a solo trip,” she concluded.

She shares her list of tips:

  1. When packing I preselected all their outfits and they approved it all! Instead of travelling with bathrobes and PJs, we do onesies and vests. This saves space.
  2. Slipper socks, one pair of sneakers and a pair of flip-flops was the limit!
  3. They all had individual suitcases to carry and take responsibility for. They thrive on the independence
  4. Each boy has a backpack with their toys of choice.
  5. I limit sweets and fizzy cool drinks in general and especially when driving.
  6. When stopping along the way, Khai was always attached to my handbag. How? He wears his harness and I use my removable handbag strap and attach him. So I carry my handbag, he gets to walk freely and no one gets lost.
  7. We chose child-friendly stops and places to visit.
  8. Stock the refrigerator with food. This helps when you’re waiting for food at a restaurant, no one gets hangry!
  9. I wake up an hour before the kids to get myself showered and dressed. This gives me a moment to breathe and when they get up I’m able to assist them and get them what they need and then I also still feel good and not rushed.
  10. Below Khai’s car chair was his bag with everything he required. I place James on the back seat with him when driving so he can assist me with making a bottle or passing a toy or wet-wipes.
  11. Choose a child-friendly destination. The boys were happy, laughing, making friends, running and playing to their hearts’ content and well that’s about the best thing I could ask for. As a mom we just breathe easier when our kids are happy.
  12. Plan activities but don’t be afraid to go astray. Our trip to the local Spar for snacks ended up at the Elgin railway market. We grabbed coffees and hot chocolates, walked at the market and then basked in the sun while the kids played.