Forte High School Learner Overcomes Personal Struggles to Excel in Matric

Katleho Motlake, a top-performing student at Forte High School, overcame significant personal challenges to excel in her matric year. Picture: Supplied

Katleho Motlake, a top-performing student at Forte High School, overcame significant personal challenges to excel in her matric year. Picture: Supplied

Published 23h ago


Focus, determination, and discipline were the key factors that drove Katleho Motlake to excel in matric at Forte High School.

Katleho, who also ranked among the top 10 learners in her preliminary exams, revealed that her journey was far from easy. She faced significant challenges at home, including family conflicts over her grandmother’s house and her mother’s struggle with depression. Despite feeling unprepared at times, she persevered through these hardships to achieve success.

“My academic year was not a good one. I had a lot of ups and downs that affected my academics. Throughout the year my family were fighting over my grandmother's house and that affected me a lot. There were lots of fights and we were included in those fights as grandchildren. Also my mom on the other side encountered a huge problem that led her to be depressed.

“She was not well at all, I had to look after her whenever I came back from school. I would check on her now and then when I'm at school. But I love how she supported me throughout. Even when she wasn't well she would make sure she reminded me to study and, wished me good luck before every exam that I wrote,” said Katleho.

The conflicts at home deeply affected her, resulting in poor performance at school and some disappointing term 1 results. Determined to turn things around, she found the strength to overcome these challenges and sought support by confiding in her teachers.

“I was experiencing a lot of pain while I was trying my hardest to pass term 1. My marks were not that pleasing to me, therefore I made a promise to myself to not let my home situation affect or define me. I started confiding in my Geography teacher (Maam Pulati). She was the one who would help me with food parcels from school by asking Mr Mothusi, our deputy who is also in charge of the food services at school.

“She would give me money to buy some things that we don't have at home. She was even the one who made everything possible for me to go to the matric dance. She and Mr Mothusi made my home situation better by assisting wherever they could, and I appreciate them for that. After a while of venting to her, I started feeling a lot of weight off my shoulders.”

Katleho’s most memorable moment of the 2023 academic year was being recognised as one of the top five learners at her school.

“My biggest highlight about my year was when I made it to the top 5 in term 2 and term 3. In term 2 I was number 4 in the top 5. In term 3 I was number 2 in the top 5. That made me feel very happy and made me realise that hard work pays off,” she said.

Much like the Class of 2023, Katleho reflected on how COVID-19 had impacted her academics during her Grade 8 year, particularly due to the extended periods spent away from school.

Katleho shared that she aspires to study law at the University of the Witwatersrand.