The hidden dangers of excessive sugar consumption in children, encouraging healthy food habits in schools

Instead of counting calories and deciphering label ingredients, take a step back to the good old rule of a mixed portion of proteins, carbs, and fruits for good natural sugars.Picture by Vanessa Loring/Pexels

Instead of counting calories and deciphering label ingredients, take a step back to the good old rule of a mixed portion of proteins, carbs, and fruits for good natural sugars.Picture by Vanessa Loring/Pexels

Published Aug 1, 2023


As parents, it's natural to want to reward our children with sweets or sugary treats. However, the excessive consumption of sugar can lead to serious health issues such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and even an increased risk of cancer.

With another school term in full swing, it's hard to ignore the sugar-filled snack gauntlets that our children encounter.

School-aged kids are highly impressionable and easily influenced by their peers and popular trends. This makes it crucial to discuss and promote healthy eating habits during this important stage of their lives.

Balancing school runs, sports days, parties, and the daily lunch routine can be challenging. It's tempting to rely on sugar-laden and preservative-filled products to keep our children happy and fed.

But these products often lead to inevitable highs and lows, affecting their overall well-being.

The reality is that sugar is everywhere, and refined sugars are hidden in numerous everyday products, ranging from sauces and smoothies to juices and cereals.

It becomes nearly impossible to keep all of these sugary temptations out of reach from our children, according to Greig Jansen, CEO of PURA Beverages, the maker of PURA Kids drinks.

‘’If you have a child at home, you're likely familiar with that moment of fear when they transform from a well-behaved angel to a mischievous troublemaker within seconds, all thanks to a burst of sugar or one too many treats,’’ Jansen adds.

As parents, it is our responsibility to educate ourselves and our children about the harmful effects of excessive sugar consumption. By promoting healthier food choices and limiting their exposure to sugary snacks, we can help safeguard their long-term well-being.

It's time to address the hidden dangers of sugar and encourage a shift towards a healthier lifestyle for our children.

Jansen offers up three trusty tips to keep kids happy and not hyped:

The easiest – and often cheapest – snack options are most likely going to be packed with unnecessary hidden sugars and preservatives, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t great alternatives for every snack occasion.

Keep an eye out for natural products such as vegetable crisps, crackers, air-popped popcorn, boiled eggs, cheese, nut butter, unsweetened yoghurt, and fresh fruit like apples cut up with peanut butter, nuts, and dried fruit are all excellent go-to alternatives to keep on hand and don’t come laden with sugar and preservatives.

That can be paired together for a balanced meal without the added rush and crash.

“Forget the days of concentrated cordial, chocolate milk, sarmies covered in any kind of sugary jam or spread.”

Jansen adds, ‘’A little lunchbox prep goes a long way to manage sugar intake and energy levels throughout the day and doesn’t have to break the bank. But let’s not forget about juice alternatives.’’

He explains that one of the biggest culprits of hidden sugars is juice, with most on the market filled with additives, artificial sweeteners, and many ingredients, tough to pronounce.

When selecting a juice box for your little legend, always aim for something low in sugar, naturally flavourful, not filled with additives and colourants, and preservative-free.

When in doubt, swap it out

Most kids start their days with an unnecessary sugar burst, from the cereals they eat to their morning cup of tea or juice. Many products are formulated to look, smell, and taste appealing, promising to be ‘good’ for them and part of balanced meal planning. But how much do we really understand about what’s on the label?

Instead of counting calories and deciphering label ingredients, take a step back to the good old rule of a mixed portion of proteins, carbs and fruits for good natural sugars.

Easy go-to meals: Brown rice, a mix of grains, and a range of colours of vegetables are all must-haves to include in your meal planning.

Hearty meals like spaghetti bolognaise, roast chicken and vegetables, whole grain bread sandwiches, and wholewheat protein wraps are great options for every occasion that offer a balance of nutritious ingredients and can be paired with fruits, berries, nuts, yoghurt, milk, and natural sugar juice alternatives.

It's getting increasingly difficult to find "healthier" options that really are healthy since sugar is everywhere," Jansen adds.

A kid's sugar intake should not exceed 10% of their daily energy intake (25mg a day), yet it appears South African children consume between 40 and 60 gm of sugar every day, with most hidden in refined sugar products.

“These small shifts in what kids eat and drink will yield big rewards and – hopefully – cut down those sugar highs and lows along the way”.