There is no such thing as a Government of National Unity, says MK Party secretary-general

Arthur Zwane, secretary-general of the uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party. Picture: Facebook

Arthur Zwane, secretary-general of the uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party. Picture: Facebook

Published Jun 28, 2024


Arthur Zwane, the secretary-general of the six-month-old uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party endorsed by former head of state Jacob Zuma, said the Government of National Unity (GNU) is a government meant to benefit those who have been selected by the system, and that there is no such thing as a GNU.

Zwane was speaking in an interview on Podcast Affirmation, where he also said South Africans had rejected the ANC and removed it from government. He said it was not a case of citizens refusing to be led by one political party.

“The question is, who did they vote for? That’s a subject of us putting a court challenge because we are saying elections were rigged,” he said.

Zwane said as the MK Party they were convinced that they got two-thirds of the votes. He said they wanted to make sure that their people see tangible change in their lives and therefore they are not going to let them lose.

Moreover, he said they knew that they were not going to win nicely.

“We knew that we were getting into this war within the established white system and we are fighting it head-on,” explained Zwane.

He said the party would continue to come under attack because of Zuma, who is constantly under attack because the white system does not like him as he is like a messiah of the people.

Zwane further said the party is a threat to white supremacy and white business establishments because it wants to nationalise mines, banks, and the Reserve Bank.

He further accused the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) of knowing that its system would be manipulated.

“We wrote to the IEC beforehand because we knew that the system was going to be manipulated. We said give us the companies you are going to use and they refused,” he said.

However, the IEC says the MK Party has not been able to submit credible evidence to support their claims.

Sunday Tribune