Rhema pastor outraged over drag queen Last Supper parody at Olympics opening ceremony

The Olympic and Paralympic symbols are set at the Place de la Bastille in Paris. Photo: Takumi Harada/The Yomiuri Shimbun via AFP

The Olympic and Paralympic symbols are set at the Place de la Bastille in Paris. Photo: Takumi Harada/The Yomiuri Shimbun via AFP

Published Jul 27, 2024


Bert Pretorius, a senior pastor at the Rhema Church, has reacted with outrage over the parody of the Last Supper at Friday evening’s opening ceremony for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

During the opening ceremony on the Seine, several drag queens were seated around the table, resembling the Last Supper, when Jesus shared his final meal with his disciples before his crucifixion.

That segment of the ceremony on Friday, which was titled “Festivity” has angered religious groups, with The French Bishops Conference it was a “mockery of Christianity”.

"However, this ceremony unfortunately included scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity, which we deeply regret," the bishops said, according to AFP.

In South Africa, Pretorius, senior pastor of 3C Church and chairman of Rhema Family Churches also voiced his disappointment, calling it a “disturbing sign of the times”.

“Instead of a celebration of athletic prowess and the culture and history of the host nation, this grossly inappropriate artistic choice has outraged Christians worldwide, who celebrate the Last Supper as a holy sacrament of their faith,” Pretorius said in a statement on Saturday.

“It is a disturbing sign of the times that the organisers of this iconic sporting event, with its global audience, chose to use a key cultural moment to mock a sacred cornerstone of the Christian faith.

“The Last Supper is not a mere cultural artifact. It is a profound moment of spiritual importance and significance to millions of Christians worldwide. This sacrilegious portrayal is a direct attack on their beliefs.”

Pretorius went on to add that he felt the incident “[pushed] the boundaries of tolerance and inclusivity toward a forced celebration of sexual diversity”.

“The Olympic Games, which are meant to unite the world in a spirit of sportsmanship and respect, have instead been used as a platform for blasphemy and disrespect...”

IOL Sport