Groundbreaking initiative seeks to improve ECD centres in SA’s rural communities

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Published Mar 6, 2023


Johannesburg - South Africa is notorious for being one of the most unequal countries in the world and this is of particular concern in the nation’s education system.

In a bid to address this, Afrika Tikkun Bambanani (ATB) has formed a group of early childhood development (ECD) specialists to implement a standardised curriculum in rural underprivileged schools.

“The programme is driven by upskilling and training teachers to assess and monitor learner development and at the same time facilitating teacher progression equipping them to screen for learning difficulties and arrange intervention, provide psychosocial support and monitor child growth and progress,” ATB CEO Theresa Michael explained.

The Johannesburg youth development centre is the union of Afrika Tikkun and Bambanani Sifunde and the work it does is crucial for youngsters prior to their formal education years, Michael said.

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ECD is the period spanning from birth until the year before a child starts formal schooling.

“The period from birth to six years old is the most vital stage of brain development for children and these informative years represent a crucial window of opportunity for education. The ATB programme is developed for early childhood care and education that is truly inclusive,” Michael said.

“It is much more than just preparation for Grade 1; ECD is the foundation for emotional wellbeing and learning throughout life and is one of the best investments a country can make as it promotes holistic development, gender equality and social cohesion.”

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Michael explained that ATB’s goal is to reach as many children - from newborns to six-year-olds - as possible.

“We want to access youngsters across all rural and underprivileged communities of SA and to provide play-based learning through trained ECD teachers who will build a solid foundation for their education and overall well-being,” she said.

ATB’s long-term vision is to standardise ECD curriculum throughout South Africa to ensure that no child is left behind in terms of education which will lead to equal opportunity for all children in SA, Michael explained.

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Currently, 510 upskilled teachers working in 105 ECD schools in disadvantaged communities and underprivileged rural areas are providing a solid foundation for 6 500 children through the initiative, the ATB CEO added.

“The idea is to provide a range of benefits for parents and families which can help parents to develop a better understanding of their child’s needs and abilities, in turn providing support and guidance for families who may be facing challenges.”

ATB also aims to provide a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment for children and invest in their education by providing them with the tools they need to succeed.

“Early childhood education has a positive impact on our society as a whole and it helps to reduce poverty, promote economic growth, and decrease the likelihood of negative social outcomes such as crime and substance abuse,” Michael said.

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The three-year ECD programme is presented as a customised ATB package to suit the needs of each school or community, Michael said. It also includes a five-day teacher pre-training programme, monthly up-skill teacher training, online curriculum, printed manuals and workbooks.

“Registered as part of the Afrika Tikkun Brand, the ATB training, assessment and curriculum programme has brought together a team of ECD practitioners, theorists, educators, investors and therapists to create the best ECD curriculum available in South Africa and make it available to ECD practitioners and children living in under-resourced communities around South Africa,” she said.

The programme also readily collaborates with government and the private sector as ATB believes ECD development is essential for society as a whole.

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Michael added that as the highest failure rate in South African schools occurs in Grade 1, investing in ECD can lead to better school readiness, improved academic achievement, higher earning potential, and better health outcomes in adulthood.

“Additionally, a nurturing and supportive early childhood environment can promote positive social-emotional skills and behaviours, which can lead to stronger relationships and increased well-being throughout life.”

The ATB CEO believes that through its initiative, it is able to change the trajectory of many youngsters.

“Many ECD centres in under-resourced communities are not able to employ qualified practitioners, and although a lot of their staff do have years of working experience, they do not have the formal training to design outcomes-based programmes.”

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These activities are supported by innovative technologies which remove geographical limitations and will offer ECD centres access to the internet in order to access the programme, the ATB CEO added. This includes:

- Learner Tablet App – Bamba Learn (Data Free)

BambaLearn is an app that allows young children to develop their critical thinking and to reach their milestones through play. “Created by experts, designed for (and loved by) children ages two to six, this app ensures that age-appropriate milestones are reached,” said Michael.

- Bambanani Assessment Centre (Data Free)

The ATB initiative also provides tracking sheets and termly reports to monitor learner progression, focusing on critical developmental milestones, screening tools to red-flag learners that require intervention, and practitioner tracking and evaluating.

“A state-of-the-art remote upload portal allows us to assist and observe our learners and teachers, especially schools in remote areas,” Michael said.

Michael believes that what makes the programme unique is its approach to sustainability.

“The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals aim to promote sustainable and responsible practices, with the SDGs addressing a wider range of development issues on a global scale, and ESG goals focusing on the environmental, social, and governance factors of companies and organisations.”

She added that the underlying value of the ATB programme is to “leave no child behind”, and in so doing supports several SDGs, including SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 5 (Gender Equality) and SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities).

Michael added ATB is looking at how it can link its participants to its health and psychosocial programme, which focuses on nutrition, psychosocial intervention and screening for developmental delays and disabilities.

Once this is included, ATB will also be supporting SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being).

For more information about Afrika Tikkun Bambanani or to find out how you can donate to the programme, please visit

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