‘This is how I made my property investment dream a reality – and you can too’

Property investor Darren Francis shares his story, and advice, to help other aspiring entrepreneurs. Picture: Just Jade Photo

Property investor Darren Francis shares his story, and advice, to help other aspiring entrepreneurs. Picture: Just Jade Photo

Published Aug 25, 2022


By Darren Francis

Planning for the end is very real. With all the dark clouds surrounding us as South Africans, coupled with a seemingly failing economy, one may see little to no opportunities.

But is this really the case?

My property journey began in a very simple, but exciting way. Remembering the slogan, “Coming alive with possibilities”, I quickly discovered that opportunities are bountiful in this beautiful country.

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Being from the Cape Flats, money – or the talk of it – was always somewhat of a myth or distant reality. You need money to do anything, and yes, I have learnt this. But, we become very fixated about the smallest hurdle. ‘How can you even say this?’, you may ask: It is simple; as a property investor I quickly learnt that the smartest way to becoming financially stable or wealthy is to create the opportunity that you seek, but the opportunity is always littered with education. That is how my journey began.


Not knowing how to access finance beside the conventional route, I learned over the years that money is but the smallest hurdle you can face when becoming a property investor. And becoming an award winning property investor, I knew that my education on the property market will be more valuable than money can buy. The education was the foundation of the achievement or recognition I received in November 2021, becoming the South African Property Investors Network Investor of the Year.

Leading up to this prestige recognition, the level of education I had to endure and sample was immense. This came through years of hard work and dedication to get to buying my first investment property – yes, the first investment property. I already had a plan; a plan to move or change as the market changes.

Knowing the market took up the better part of the three years prior to me buying my first property. Using various tools, research, and other methods – such as having property network, helped me to spot trends in my market. So when I got my first investment opportunity, I jumped at it as I knew what I wanted.

But, with the optimism comes doubt – you begin to doubt when you take the leap of faith, putting everything you taught yourself in to one basket. This was something money could not buy, even though there was lots of it on the line at the time. But I knew my education was solid and the plan I had was playing out.

When it comes to money versus education, the answer is simple: the proverb says “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” Don’t get lost on something so trivial as money. Don’t get me wrong, money is important, but your education is critical.

As a property investor, you need to be savvy and adaptable. You need to understand your ‘why’ – why you are doing what you are doing? The ‘why’, is critical to any process when leading up to a challenge.

I found my ‘why’ earlier in life. Growing up on the Cape Flat, I had many ‘whys’, but there are two that spur me on everyday to reach what some may see as impossible dreams or goals.


Dream your dreams, create a vision that scares you, but believe in those dreams. As an entrepreneur, you need to action those dreams, otherwise they will just be dreams. Set goals and timelines – realistic goals and timelines.

Factor in the economy

With the economy shrinking and interest rates set to continue rising, this becomes challenging for entrepreneurs and especially property investors. However, there are so many opportunities out there waiting for property investors. Opportunities are bountiful, more than what we can carry. You just need to look outside your warm comfy office or bedroom window to see them. They are literally in front you, passing you by. With the right education, you will be able to spot these opportunities.


The best advice I can give you, is to not listen to naysayers. If you have a plan and you know you have the right education and/or knowledge to support your vision, then believe in yourself and your vision. The money will follow.

* Darren Francis (40) is an award-winning property and social entrepreneur from Cape Town. The intrepid entrepreneur from the Cape Flats went on to win the 2021 Investor of the Year award at the South Africa Property Investors Network. He has formulated property and business strategies that went on to make substantial profits and gains in the industries he operates. Property has been very beneficial for him and he has incorporated and refined the flipping strategy. He went on the flip six properties in 18 months and acquired additional properties during this time.