Q: How will retirement accommodation in 10 years’ time will differ from retirement accommodation today?

Published Mar 31, 2021


A1: Full retirement is becoming passé. As it stands, reaching the traditional retirement age is being viewed as the opportunity to re-assess one’s priorities and the time to begin a new adventure.

This is why the successful mature lifestyle village of the future will cater to an active and interactive community. This should provide opportunities to safely engage in physically and mentally challenging hobbies as well as the ability to work from home, utilising ever-improving communication technologies.

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They’ll also provide a platform for residents to find a renewed sense of purpose, whether it is through outreach efforts or even simply through spending time with others just like them.

– Phil Barker, Renishaw Hills

A2:I think a home-based care model will become more prevalent as we go forward, with satellite specialised care facilities, such as frail care centres, providing the cover which only a minority of people will ever need.

There will be a trend towards fitting estates into existing suburbs, and not farflung locations, as people want to stay in the areas where they have always lived. There will be a focus on facilities and services which offer variety and choice – moving away from the traditional and inefficient “all-in” approach to one where people have a choice to “pay-as-you-go” and pay for services only when they are required.

I also think with the Life Rights model, there will be opportunity to move around easily and live in different locations. There are no friction costs, like VAT or transfer duty to consider when purchasing a Life Right, so this, for example, would make moving between Cape Town and Mauritius for six months at a time relatively easy with very few additional costs.

– Gus van der Spek, Wytham Estate

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