Sharpen your exam skills with these tips and tricks

A nutritious diet, adequate rest, and a positive attitude will make a difference. Picture: Pexels/Oleksandr Pidvalnyi-2781814

A nutritious diet, adequate rest, and a positive attitude will make a difference. Picture: Pexels/Oleksandr Pidvalnyi-2781814

Published Nov 4, 2022


Exam stress can be overwhelming and exhausting. And I’m sure you are wondering whether all that studying is enough. And no matter how hard you have studied, your mind still goes blank. Try to manage this stress by finding coping strategies that work for you.

Here are some handy tips from that could help:

  • Take regular breaks. Even the most intense exam timetables should allow a little time for study breaks.
  • Exercise and get outdoors. Adding a bit of exercise to your day will do you a world of good, both physically and mentally.
  • Limit caffeine. Caffeine and energy drinks can give you a short lift.
  • Look after yourself. It’s easy to let exams get on top of you and to forget to look after yourself.

Tricks. Words commonly used in a essay type of question:

  • Compare: Examine two or more aspects. Identify similarities and differences.
  • Contrast: Show differences / Set in opposition.
  • Define: Give the meaning specific to the course/subject. Definitions are usually short.
  • Describe: Give a detailed account. List characteristics, qualities, etc.
  • Discuss: Debate the pros and cons of an issue. Write about any conflict. Compare and contrast.
  • Evaluate: Give your opinion or cite an expert’s opinion. Include evidence to support the evaluation.
  • Explain: Show logically how an idea/concept is developed. Give reasons for an event.
  • Summarise: Give a brief, condensed account with conclusions.

There’s no short cut to success. If you have worked hard, you will succeed. Additionally, a nutritious diet, regular exercise, adequate rest, and a positive attitude will make a huge difference.

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