A Durban garden of delights

Published May 14, 2013


Queensburgh landscapers Janette and Butch Joubert at the Plant Collectors Nursery shared their 20-year-old exotic home garden with us


Durban - It’s a riot of colour beneath shaded palms, with plants such as oriental mondo ground cover, American imported bromeliads, imported orchids and euphorbia milii offering low-maintenance colour year-round.

Butch says a garden changes from time to time, however it is important to always consider height variations and choose resilient plants that do not require frequent watering.

Remember when you’re planning a colourful garden, petals aren’t the only thing to consider.

Leaves, too, vary in hue, impacting on the garden’s overall style. Silver leaves mesh well with soft pink, blue, and lavender blooms, for an English country look.

Deep-brown foliage provides a great foil for creamy yellow and pale blue. And chartreuse leaves look modern paired with bright orange and yellow buds. - The Mercury

* Reporter Omeshnie Naidoo and photographer Sbonelo Ngcobo did the tour.

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