Horoscope: What your zodiac sign has in store this week (Oct 23 - Oct 29)

Astrology / horoscope signs - scorpio

Astrology / horoscope signs - scorpio

Published Oct 23, 2022


Your Year Ahead

Here’s a year that holds the promise of success. When unexpected offers come in, you’ll be keen to take advantage.

Your optimism and determination also make a powerful package; and any new study will give you the substance to follow through. By the new year, prosperity surrounds your home and family – care of a timely bonus or good fortune. The sale or purchase of property could also help to increase wealth.

Meanwhile, love interests also flourish. Singles are offered more choice and couples become more intimate. Make room in your diary for a trip for two.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Work keeps you busy though there might be temptations on offer. You could be presented with a get-rich-quick scheme that seems too good to be true. You’re right - it is. If stepping into a new relationship, set up a no-touch zone until you’re sure your prospective lover isn’t already committed. Life’s messy enough as it is.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

You’re ready to get back to business. The planets, however, have something else in mind. With nebulous Neptune creating a cluttered mind or uncertainty, you’ll be lucky if you can get to work on time. Progress will be slow – expect three steps forward and one step back. The good news? Your money arena is blessed, but be conservative.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Get out there and get doing, Gemini! This week, do whatever it is that makes you come alive. Take action on your best projects, and trash whatever’s outmoded. If you feel some self doubt, don’t. Trust that everything is unfolding in your best interests. Go ahead, follow your heart and let your light shine.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Unexpected visitors or friends could become the bane of your life. Although you might feel you can cope with whoever turns up, a certain blast from the past might have the power to blind-side. Not a problem. Simply charm, and then disarm. The more accommodating you are, the sooner you realise who deserves to be shown the door.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Deciding whether to give someone another shot is difficult this week. Emotions fluctuate, as you initially succeed in going with the flow, only to perhaps change your mind again and again. You might also get mixed signals and wonder whether you’re making a mistake. For now, it could be hard to tell.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

The truest test of character often arises in emergencies. But is there really a crisis or is someone being overly dramatic? Step back from the hysteria surrounding you and calmly reassess the situation. Even if the week presents challenges, it’s a fairly safe bet that the future’s not doomed.

Libra (September 23 - October 23)

Librans love their freedom. When the going gets really tough, there’s a tendency to abandon relationships, thinking you don’t need that person any more. But this week, the planets stir up confusion, so think carefully before doing anything drastic. If you don’t, the heart you break could turn out to be your own.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Those close to you might be feeling confused by your seemingly distant manner. The real problem is that many Scorpios feel a tad lost or vulnerable. You’re hiding emotions instead of airing them. Give those worries and fears a voice. It’s time to trust others. A cliché perhaps but a problem shared is a problem halved.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Money remains a niggling need, but there’s nothing like feeling the pinch to prompt ingenuity. Chances are you’ve been putting off the inevitable and not feeling good about it. Result: the week throws you some lessons in prudence and financial planning. The downside? Excessive focus on finances could rob relationships of their enchantment.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Put the brakes on any major decisions this week, Capricorn. With your usual commonsense taking a leave of absence, you’re pretty much left under the command of more erratic emotions. Perhaps you’re hiding something, or not telling all? Be honest and let others know your true feelings. It won’t be as traumatic as you think.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

We all make mistakes and sometimes there’s a tendency to repeat said mistakes time and time again. You’d think by now that you would have learnt to listen to that “inner voice”, the one that suggests reason. This week, you either heed the lesson or stumble back to square one. Ster clear of financial schemes that seem too good to be true.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Piscean compassion is called upon this week. You might encounter some resistance because others are feeling embarrassed by their current situation. Thankfully, you help lift their hopes as you remind them that life can be enjoyed, despite their circumstances. No surprise, too, if loved ones benefit from your financial generosity.