A woman used a tub of Vicks that expired in the 80s. The results are shocking

Vintage Vicks VapoRub tub Picture: Twitter

Vintage Vicks VapoRub tub Picture: Twitter

Published Sep 16, 2021


A mother used a tub of Vicks VapoRub that expired in 1987 on her ill son.

Heather Chacon, an assistant professor of English at Greensboro College in North Carolina, shared a photo of herself holding a vintage jar of Vicks VapoRub.

"My son has been sick (not Covid) and shout out to my mom, who loaned us the same pot of Vicks she used to use on me growing up," Chacon wrote.

In a follow-up message, Chacon said that she had used the topical cough suppressant on her son — and it had surprising results.

"Rest assured I did use this and it did indeed help. Vintage Vicks for the win," a follow-up tweet said.

The tweet quickly went viral. Many marvelled at the vintage tub of Vicks: it was the same tub that her mother used on her as a child and she in turn used it on her son who was not feeling well.

Many Twitter users chimed in with their own stories of using similarly dated products.

"I’ve got you beat! Just found this in my mom’s closet and it’s my grandma’s writing on there. November 1965," wrote one user. "I was congested the other day, put some under my nose, and work just fine! This stuff is immortal!"

“My vintage jar of Vicks: glass jar, painted metal lid, no expiration date anywhere,” tweeted another, whose jar dates back to a time before expiration dates were required by the Food and Drug Administration. “ ’VAP O RUB 63′ molded into underside.”

“Originally mom’s, it lurks in the corner of the medicine cabinet. I’m a little afraid to open it, like a VapoGenie might escape before I need it someday,” the user joked.

Others followed with products that their parents and grandparents used on them as children.

However, using expired products was not recommended by the brand: "Heather, we're sorry your son is sick, and hope he's feeling better soon," it tweeted.

"The safety of your family is very important to us, and while we appreciate your mom's confidence in VapoRub, we recommend that you don't use an expired product."

The Vicks VapoRub company’s website says the product does expire and should not be used beyond the expiration date stamped on the package.

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