4 heartburn remedies everyone should know about



Published Aug 29, 2022


Heartburn is something that we all suffer from time to time. It is characterised by a burning sensation behind your chest, or in the centre of your chest.

A person's heartburn is caused by acid reflux, which occurs when partially digested liquids and foods combine with stomach acid again.

There are many different home remedies for medical illnesses. While some are safe others may be harmful. Because they are readily available, home remedies are frequently used.

A prescription from a physician is not necessary. Since there is no assurance of safety, there are some inherent risks in using home remedies: A lot of natural remedies haven't been studied, so it's possible that they could interact negatively with other medications.

How do you get relief from heartburn? Try some of these natural remedies for heartburn.

Interestingly enough gum is an excellent home remedy for heartburn.

Chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva, an alkaline that helps neutralise the acids in regurgitated foods that cause a burning sensation, providing relief from heartburn.

Avoid foods that can cause heartburn

It's advised that if you’re trying to avoid heartburn you stay away from coffee, chocolate, soda, alcohol, meat, dairy, spicy foods, fried foods, and acidic foods are all common causes of heartburn.

Eat small portions

Instead of eating large, heavy meals, try to eat reasonable portions. Acid reflux is brought on by heavy meals that increase abdominal pressure.

A mixture of bicarbonate of soda

It neutralises stomach acid and is one of the best home remedies for heartburn relief. Mix a half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda with water and drink.

Cooking with herbs

If you know that you are cooking something that may likely cause heartburn try cooking with herbs.

Some herbs and spices, such as mint, dill, caraway, horseradish, bay, fennel, tarragon, marjoram, cumin, cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom, are known to help with digestion.

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