‘Bleed is coming out of your booty’ - mom left utterly mortified after her twin boys embarrass her in public toilet

Kids embarrass their mom in a public toilet. Picture: Pixabay/Jarmoluk

Kids embarrass their mom in a public toilet. Picture: Pixabay/Jarmoluk

Published Jul 5, 2023


Moms with little ones know that they follow you everywhere. Even the bathroom isn’t a safe space.

Another thing we all know is that kids have no filter and will always speak their minds, no matter where they are.

This mom found herself in a situation where she was forced to share a public toilet cubicle with her four-year-old twins and what happened next left her utterly mortified.

Taking to the Facebook group Momstrosity, the mom shared her embarrassing story.

Making the mistake of taking her twin boys with her to the mall, she then found herself having to use the toilet.

Now, as most moms know, if you have to go to a public toilet, you have to take your little ones in the cubicle with you. And since we’re already used to not having any privacy, this isn’t something out of the ordinary.

However, she had two of them in there with her - both equally vocal.

Even though she tried her best to distract the boys so that they would not be interested in what she was doing inside the cubicle, one of them noticed something.

At the top of his voice, one yelled: “Mamma! You have bleed on you!” wrote the mom.

With the second one screaming: “Bleed is coming out of your booty!”

“I am begging them to be quiet,” added the mortified mom who is at this point praying that they are alone in the bathroom.

Unfortunately, she soon realised that they are not alone when she hears a woman giggling in the next stall.

“Mom. Are you okay?!? This is so bad. This is so so bad. You need a Band Aid!” continued one of the boys.

“NO! We need to call the 911!!” added the other.

“Me, frantically checking my purse for the tampon that I know is not there, while also trying to cover their mouths: Mommy is totally fine. This is very normal for mommies and women. It looks scary but it is okay,” she wrote.

At this point, she hears the bathroom door open and several people walking in.

“Do you have a cut??? On your booty?? On your bee-jina!?” the frantic little boy asked.

“I look down to find Child 2, sticking his head out of the stall to tell another bathroom patron that his mom is, ‘bleedin’ really bad outta her booty,’” she wrote.

“I scoot them out of the stall to find a precious, older woman at the sink, tears of laughter streaming down her face.

“As you may have guessed, I did not make it home with laundry detergent and baby socks today. And also not my dignity,” she concluded the embarrassing yet hilarious post.

All moms have at least one embarrassing story when it comes to their kids.

“Yes! My kids are not the only ones, my little ones have made me wish many times over that the ground would open up and swallow me whole,” responded one Facebook user.

“I'm DYING with laughter, but also so proud that your children cared enough to THINK how to HELP. Given the pure crap of the news, your sweet babies, in their best ways, we're trying to problem solve. Bless their souls,” commented another.