Is believing in a higher power beneficial for us?

Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a Psychology Advisor.

Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a Psychology Advisor.

Published Aug 18, 2024



When life’s confusion swirls around us, we can easily feel alone and isolated in a depth of uncertainty. But what if we’re not alone?

Despite the diktat of new technologies and science, what if there is a mysterious guiding force beyond ourselves that could provide wisdom, comfort and direction?

During the most uncertain moments, we are confronted with a haunting question; what if the universe were not unsympathetic to our struggles but rather a beneficial force working for our benefit?

It may seem reasonable for some individuals to believe in a higher power while others may dismiss this idea. However, this possibility can be a transformative, life-altering event that ignites hope, strength and inspiration in the midst of hopelessness and euphoria.

The focus of this article is on how faith can transform our lives and unravel the incredible benefits that stem from embracing a force greater than ourselves.

As we challenge the limits of our understanding, we can discover a sense of awareness, wonder and connection to something greater than ourselves – a sense of something with a deeper reality than the mundane routines of our daily existence.

A significant number of psychological studies supports the idea that belief in a higher power can greatly improve mental health results. Individuals who have faith in a higher power often exhibit lower levels of anxiety and depression, increased life satisfaction and improved self-esteem.

Faith has been found to strengthen coping strategies, enabling individuals to adjust more efficiently to challenges and build stronger social relationships.

Albert Einstein famously noted that nurturing a connection to a higher power is an important tool in managing difficult situations and adopting a more positive perspective.

Faith can be channelled to help individuals develop a more resilient and adaptive mindset to handle the uncertain challenges of life.

Imagine if our brains were wired to respond to faith and belief, transforming our thoughts, emotions and behaviours in profound ways. Is embracing a higher power the key to unlocking our full potential? What if we could reconnect with our sense of purpose and authenticity by believing in a higher power?

In a world where social media influences our identity and algorithms dictate our behaviours, can we trust our gut instincts to lead us to a life of purpose and meaning? Are we sacrificing our authenticity to gain likes and shares?

Does our intuition guide us towards decisions that are aligned with our values and goals? Are we tapping into a collective consciousness or something greater when we meditate and connect with ourselves? Can we find solace in the unknown, trusting that there’s more to life than what we can see and touch?

What if through asking these questions and seeking answers, we discover a sense of purpose and belonging that will transform our lives forever?

We could overcome the limits of our physical world and connect with a deeper reality.

As we marvel at ancient wonders, we’re left with more questions than answers. From the Great Pyramids to the Nazca Lines with their mysterious geoglyphs, their huge scale and intricate design have led some researchers to suggest they might be connected to a higher power or mystical force.

What message were they attempting to convey to future generations? Do these creations encourage us to connect with something greater than ourselves by tapping into the sense of awe and wonder? What if these ancient wonders could be the key to understanding the existence of a higher power? What benefits can we expect to gain by believing in something beyond?

At the doorstep of adventure, we are compelled to face the quiet reminders of our own limited existence. Will we continue to wander aimlessly without any purpose and meaning? Or will we surrender to the unknown and embrace the mysteries of the universe and the whispers of a higher power? By attempting to understand our place in the vast universe of human existence, could we uncover a profound connection to a higher power that goes beyond the limits of our individual experiences.

When facing the uncertainties of our modern world, we are faced with a choice: to follow the often-travelled highway of pessimism and doubt. Yet, being at the crossroads of human history, we are compelled to question – what if the unknown is not just a mystery to be solved, but a mirror reflecting the depths of our inner truth? Are we mere fragments of a grand tapestry that was intricately woven by a divine creator? Or is the idea of a higher power just a comforting illusion?

What if the higher power we seek is not a distant entity; it is a portal to the collective hopes, dreams and aspirations – the consciousness of our humanity that’s waiting to be awakened?

Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a Psychology Advisor.

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