Lambert’s Bay teens still missing 2 weeks later

Trevor Andrews and McNeil Fortuin, both aged 13, were last seen on August 3 and August 4, respectively.

Trevor Andrews and McNeil Fortuin, both aged 13, were last seen on August 3 and August 4, respectively.

Published Aug 17, 2023


The families of two missing Lambert’s Bay teenagers say they are sick with worry, as there has been no sign of the boys for almost two weeks.

Trevor Andrews and McNeil Fortuin, both aged 13, were last seen on August 3 and August 4, respectively.

The boys are neighbours.

Trevor’s mother, Kathleen Andrews, sobbed as she told of how they were worried for the safety of their children.

“Currently there are no updates while the searches continue for the boys. When Trevor didn’t come home it was a shock because he isn’t used to staying away from home so long. According to one of their other friends, he saw the two of them in a taxi on the Sunday after they went missing.

“We have no idea where they could be. We are very heartbroken and just want their safe return. If anybody knows or saw anything we plead with them to please make contact with police,” said Andrews.

McNeil’s aunt, Catherine Tielings, said the boys had dropped out of school.

“They are mischievous and naughty but that doesn’t give anybody the right to take our children away. We just want to know that they are safe… and for both of them to return home safely,” said Tielings.

Police spokesperson Frederick van Wyk said they were following up on all leads.

“Two missing children cases were reported by the family of these children to the Lambert’s Bay SAPS, and enquiry dockets were opened. Both these case are being investigated by FCS Vredendal.

“Trevor was last seen by his brother on August 3 when he left his house and went to town in Lambert’s Bay. McNeil was last seen by his aunt on August 4. The investigating officer is still busy with the help of role players to search for them. They are checking for cameras around the area to shed light to what exactly happened. These children are not attending school and seemingly they are always on the street,” said Van Wyk.

Anyone with information on the teenagers’ whereabouts can contact Lamberts Bay FCS at 027 432 8260, or contact Crime Stop anonymously at 08600 10111, or SMS Crime Line at 32211.

Cape Times