Letter: Remembering an unsung hero, our Dr Frene Ginwala

Cape Argus reader Farouk Araie writes that the battle for freedom in South Africa was a monumental Struggle which claimed thousands of lives and countless sacrifices by stalwarts such as Frene Ginwala, and many others. File picture.

Cape Argus reader Farouk Araie writes that the battle for freedom in South Africa was a monumental Struggle which claimed thousands of lives and countless sacrifices by stalwarts such as Frene Ginwala, and many others. File picture.

Published Jan 22, 2023


With immense sadness we have had to bear the news that iconic stalwart, Dr Frene Ginwala passed away.

The battle for freedom in South Africa was a monumental Struggle which claimed thousands of lives and countless sacrifices by stalwarts such as Frene, and many others.

Many of these sacrifices went unnoticed. Their contributions must be remembered with great pride and honour. Frene was a symbol of courage, women empowerment and patriotism, fearlessness, courtesy, wisdom and the ability to see many things through not only a national but also an international prism.

Frene was truly an exceptional woman who fought for justice, equality and the respect for fundamental rights. Truly an amazing woman who led an amazing life.

Many comrades perished in detention. Many others were killed in military strikes in neighbouring countries. Scores were assassinated across Europe by the special hit squads of the day. They paid the supreme price for our freedom.

These comrades whose remains rest beneath the blood-soaked sands of our beloved land made the ultimate sacrifice, that is why our nation endures.

Our future success is predicated upon our past and present. We will always remember those who were brutally tortured, not just with sadness, but also with respect and gratitude. The future they fought and died for.

Women like Frene contributed immensely to the painful struggle for our liberty. The reminiscences of these unsung heroes reveal deep dedication and spirit with which they fought against the atrocities of racism. The great contribution of these brave women should be remembered by the present generation, as this would be the best way to pay homage to them.

We memorialise all those who gave their sacred lives for our freedom and the values we cherish so deeply.

We enjoy the blessings of living in a democratic South Africa as a result of valiant men and women who fiercely fought, toiled and struggled to ensure we would have an unparalleled quality of life.

This titanic battle was of heroism, selflessness, patriotism and relentless desire for a secure and non-racial land. Frene’s outstanding legacy shall be our inspiration for decades to come.

Hamba kahle, Frene Ginwala, dedicated daughter of Africa.

* Farouk Araie, Benoni.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Cape Argus

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