Saice ready to help GNU rebuild SA’s infrastructure

Saice also said it was looking forward to engaging the new Cabinet to address the infrastructure disparities identified in the Infrastructure Report Card. SUPPLIED

Saice also said it was looking forward to engaging the new Cabinet to address the infrastructure disparities identified in the Infrastructure Report Card. SUPPLIED

Published Jul 8, 2024


The South African Institution of Civil Engineering (Saice) has acknowledged the newly-appointed Cabinet of the Government of National Unity (GNU).

Representing over 15 000 civil engineering professionals in South Africa, Saice said it was is committed to collaborating with the government to address the nation’s infrastructure challenges to foster economic growth.

“Saice acknowledges the vital role infrastructure plays in advancing the nation’s development, alleviating poverty, and achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals,” it said.

“South Africa benefits from comprehensive policy frameworks, like the National Development Plan (NDP2030) and the National Infrastructure Plan 2050, which offer a strategic roadmap for infrastructure investment and economic growth.

“While the Saice Infrastructure Report Card (IRC) of 2022 highlighted areas needing improvement with an overall grade of ‘D’, it also presents an opportunity for collaboration and innovation to improve our public infrastructure. By working together, we can ensure these critical systems meet the nation’s needs and support a sustainable future.”

Saice also said it was looking forward to engaging the new Cabinet to address the infrastructure disparities identified in the IRC.

This includes strategic means to address the challenges faced in the transportation, energy, and water sectors, as well as the need for innovative funding mechanisms, good governance, and professionalising the civil engineering industry.

Reinforcing technical capacity in public institutions and ensuring technical decision-makers are involved throughout the infrastructure project life-cycle are essential steps to ensuring good governance and a sustainable economy.