Green steel is the foundation of achieving net zero and needs to be a priority for SA

Every tonne of steel produced in 2020, on average, created almost 2 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, says the World Steel Association. Photo: Supplied

Every tonne of steel produced in 2020, on average, created almost 2 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, says the World Steel Association. Photo: Supplied

Published Jul 17, 2024


By Viren Sookhun

Steel is one of the most commonly manufactured materials in the world because it has such a wide variety of uses – steel is everywhere, from construction to vehicles, home goods to robotics.

Steel production is also hugely carbon intensive, representing a significant proportion of global man-made carbon emissions. In the universal quest for net zero and carbon neutral, green steel production is critical.

The entire value chain of many other “green” products, like electric vehicles, hinges on the ability to ensure all components are carbon neutral. South Africa is well positioned to be a world leader in this space, as we have the natural resources and the capability, but production needs to be ramped up and the government should lead the way in driving the change.

Massive carbon intensity

The carbon footprint of steel is huge and emissions can vary, depending on the method of production that is used, as well as the proportion of scrap steel versus virgin steel used in the production process. Blast furnaces, for example, produce significantly more emissions than, for example, an electric arc furnace, which also uses far more scrap steel. Yet blast furnaces are by far the most common method of steel production across the world.

Every tonne of steel produced in 2020, on average, created almost 2 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, says the World Steel Association. In that year, 1 860 million tons of steel were produced, resulting in direct emissions from the steel sector of around 2.6 billion tons of CO2, which was between 7 and 9% of global CO2 emissions.

What can be done?

The demand for steel has not abated, and is more than likely to increase in future, which means that it is of the utmost importance that the carbon footprint of steel be reduced in line with net zero emissions targets. Prioritising the move toward the green steel manufacturing process would significantly reduce global carbon emissions.

Manufacturing green steel requires the use of electricity, generated using renewable sources rather than fossil fuels, which drastically reduces the greenhouse gas emissions in the process. It is also possible to then offset the emissions that are created, moving the steel manufacturing process toward net zero.

A significant opportunity

South Africa is one of the world’s top producers of iron ore, which is the base material of steel. We are also rich in renewable energy resources, including solar and wind power. The factors together mean that, as a country, we are uniquely positioned to become a leader in the green steel transition. While there have been some steps taken in the Saldanha region, we need to up the pace of change, especially if we are to ramp up production of electric vehicles. The entire greening value chain starts with green steel.

To do this, green steel production needs to be further incentivised through all of South Africa’s Special Economic Zone. Partnerships with the government and the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition are vital to drive this. In addition, innovative ways of using excess carbon credits should be implemented, including tax incentives and carbon credit markets where the sale of the credits could be used to fund further investment.

If South Africa could move toward hydrogen-based and electric arc furnace manufacturing, powered 100% by renewable energy, we would reduce emissions significantly, grid energy would be freed for other applications and our reliance on imported steel would be reduced. This all forms part of the circular economy, which is vital for growth and greater inclusivity, in turn, essential in the Just Transition.

Viren Sookhun is managing director at Oxyon.